Understand Various Steps in Natural Language Processing (NLP) under 5 minutes

Understand Various Steps in Natural Language Processing (NLP) under 5 minutes

Understand Various Steps in Natural Language Processing (NLP) under 5 minutes

Natural Language Processing or NLP for short, is broadly defined as the automatic manipulation of Languages, like speech and text by software.

The study of Natural Language Processing has been around for more than 4 decades.

In this blog, you will discover the steps in NLP


The Process of breaking the string into smaller tokens is called Tokenization.


My Name is Aman

after breaking this into token we get

'My' , 'Name' , 'is' , 'Aman'


Normalizing the words into their base form or root form is called Stemming.

Example: All the below words are considered as one:

Affections, Affects, Affected, Affecting

All the above token will be converted to their root form that is


It simply tries to remove all possible and basic prefix and postfix to a work


Takes care of Morphological analysis of word

  • Groups together different inflected forms of the word called lemma
  • Somehow similar to stemming, as it maps several words into one common root
  • Output of lemmatization is a proper word


Lemmatiser should map gone, going, went into go

POS Tag: Part of Speech

Here the words are mapped with their Parts of Speech



List of Universal POS Tag POS tag

Name Entity Recognition:

It is used to Identify or Recognize the name of Movie/ Organisation, Location, person, and so on


Google's CEO Sundar Pichai introduced the new Pixel Phone at New York

and after Name Entity Recognition it shall be

Google'sCEOSundar PichaiintroducedthenewPixelPhoneatNew York


Picking up Individual pieces of Information and grouping them into bigger pieces.